Terms and conditions

By visiting this site or purchasing any products you agree to  defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Samantha Calonita, Samantha Calonita Coaching LLC, and Samantha Calonita Coaching's officers, employers, employees, contractors, directors, related entities, trustees, affiliates, and successors from and against any and all liabilities and expense whatsoever - including without limitation, claims, damages, judgments, awards, settlements, investigations, costs, attorneys fees, and disbursements ), excluding, however, any such expenses and liabilities which may result from a sole negligence or willful misconduct by Company, or any of its shareholders, trustees, affiliates or successors.

This is to confirm the arrangement under which we will accept payment for the product purchased in either one lump sum or monthly or weekly installments (dependent on the option of your choosing). If there is default in making any payment, and you have not contacted Samantha Calonita to work out payment arrangements, at our option the full balance owing on the account shall immediately become due and payable.

The statements and information provided on this website or in these products has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”). While Samantha Calonita Coaching makes every effort to present the most accurate information to date, medical, fitness and nutritional data changes frequently and Samantha Calonita shall not be liable for the accuracy, errors or omissions of the statements or information contained therein.

The information on this site is not intended to provide medical treatments or diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. If you should experience any such issues you should see your registered physician or other practitioner as determined by your own judgment.

If you are under the care of a health care professional or currently use prescription medications, please notify the course creator with these details - failure to do so could result in your being taken out of the program.  In addition, you are to discuss any dietary or medical changes with your doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting your physician. The information contained on this site is NOT medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing your primary care physician or other licensed healthcare professionals you are currently seeing.

Empowered Leadership Collective Terms & Conditions

1.1 Monthly payment plan: You will be automatically billed on a monthly basis for an initial three-month period. After the initial three-month period has been completed you can cancel your payment and membership with The Empowered Leadership Collective by providing at least 15 days  notice prior to your next billing date, in writing, to support@sacredsoulpractice.com or info@samanthacalonita.com. If you do not cancel 15 days prior, you will continue to be billed automatically until you submit in writing a request to cancel the membership.

1.2 Failed payments: If a payment fails to be processed, we will contact you to make arrangements for payment. Whereby a payment is not received, and arrangements to make payment are not resolved, your membership to The Empowered Leadership Collective will be withdrawn 7-10 working days after we first make contact with you. Upon your membership being withdrawn, and until your outstanding membership balance has been paid, you will not be able to purchase or register for any other membership, course, event or offering provided by Samaria Williams or Samantha Calonita and The Empowered Leadership Collective. If you decide to join The Empowered Leadership Collective again at a future date you will be required to pay your outstanding balance before membership will be granted, in addition to the re-enrollment fee.

1.3 Refunds: Due to the nature of the content, no refunds will be given. 

1.4 Re-enrollment Fee: If you choose to cancel your membership and wish to re-enroll during a period when our enrollment is closed, there will be a $125 (USD) fee to reactivate your membership. It is important to be aware that this fee is separate from the regular monthly membership payment.

1.5 Disputed charges: Any individual who initiates a charge dispute with The Empowered Leadership Collective, Samaria Williams, Samaria Williams International LLC, Samanatha Calonita, Samantha Calonita Coaching LLC, may be banned from future product purchases or membership access. We treat cases of disputed charges with utmost seriousness, particularly given our status as a small company. Any issues with or questions about payment / billing can be sent in writing to support@sacredsoulpractice.com or info@samanthacalonita.com.

1.6 Cancellation: If you request to cancel your membership with The Empowered Leadership Collective after the initial three-month commitment and at least 15 days ahead of your next billing date, we will process the cancellation within 72 hours of receiving your written request. Upon cancellation, you will lose all Empowered Leadership Collective membership privileges effective immediately, including access to any/all Empowered Leadership platforms, Empowered Leadership Telegram channel and The Empowered Leadership Facebook group. To cancel your payment, you must email support@sacredsoulpractice.com or info@samanthacalonita.com and let us know you would like to cancel your membership at least 10 days prior to your monthly draft date or you’ll be billed for current (and / or) upcoming month if applicable depending on what day written notice is received electronically.

1.7 Personal Responsibility. The client acknowledges and agrees that they have free will and are fully responsible for their thoughts, feelings, and decisions and for any actions they may take on those thoughts, feelings, and decisions. The client will not hold The Empowered Leadership Collective, Samaria Williams, Samaria Williams International LLC, Samanatha Calonita, Samantha Calonita Coaching LLC, responsible for any of their actions, or consequences, committed by them at any time and that the client will not institute any lawsuit or legal proceeding against The Empowered Leadership Collective, Samaria Williams, Samaria Williams International LLC, Samanatha Calonita, Samantha Calonita Coaching LLC, relating to events occurring or actions taken in their life.